Sudden strong increase of global Temperature in Europe and USA in the eighties after a long period of decrease since 1940 and in acquaintance with the observation that increasing global temperature is insufficient correlated with increasing CO2, lead to the question, whether also extraterrestrial influences on earth cause climate change. Such extraterrestrial influences are secondary particles of cosmic radiation (Höhenstrahlung). Their time series are obtained by continuous measurements of their neutrons since 1958 in some nuclear physical Institutes world wide and published in the Data Centre C2 in Kyoto. So we have studied measured meteorological components in correlation with cosmic radiation during climate change since the eighties: Following the postulation of Swensmark (1989), that secondary particles of cosmic radiation produce clouds (?Svensmark effect?), we found a relatively good correlation between neutron flux and cloudiness in Germany. Cloudiness has continuously been measured and published by ?Deutscher Wetterdienst? (DWD), the official weather prognosis institution in Germany. Correlation factors were found up to K = 0,8 in the time period from 1982 to 2008. The weakening of cosmic radiation, called ?Forbush Reduction?, is caused by the magnetic field of solar proton flux from the sun wind: When Flares occur, that are solar emitted Röntgen rays (about 1nm), solar protons are emitted from sun spots. They reach velocities of 300 to 700 km/sec. Flares and solar protons have been measured by stationary satellites positioned between earth and sun. The results are in Internet published by the NASA too. By Svensmark effect modulated cloudiness modulates global radiation (sun shine) and finally ground near air temperature. On this way sun activity causes by Forbush reduction of cosmic radiation with Svensmark effect the increase of global temperature at ground level (Fig.1). See full text attached
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