Stand Juni 2019

A. Glatzle, Planet at risk from grazing animals?, Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales, Vol. 2, p. 60-62 (2014) A. Glatzle, Reconsidering livestock’s role in climate

A. Glatzle, Planet at risk from grazing animals?, Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales, Vol. 2, p. 60-62 (2014)

A. Glatzle, Reconsidering livestock’s role in climate change, Journal of Fisheries and Livestock Production, 3:2 (2015)

A. Glatzle, Questioning key conclusions of FAO publications ‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’ (2006) appearing again in ‘Tackling Climate Change Through Livestock’ (2013), Pastoralism, Policy and Practice, 4:1 (2014)

A. Glatzle, Severe methodological deficiencies associated with claims of domestic livestock driving climate change, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 2, p. 586-601 (2014)

M. Limburg, New systematic errors in anomalies of global mean temperature time-series, Energy & Environment, 25, No. 1 (2014)

R. Link and H.-J. Lüdecke: A new basic 1-dimension 1-layer model obtains excellent agreement with the observed Earth temperature, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 22, No. 5, p. 449 (2011), doi:10.1142/S0129183111016361

H.-J. Lüdecke: Long-term instrumental and reconstructed temperature records contradict anthropogenic global warming, Energy & Environment 22, No, 6 (2011)

H.-J. Lüdecke, R. Link, and F.-K. Ewert: How natural is the recent centennial warming? An Analysis of 2249 Surface Temperature Records, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 22, No. 10 (2011)

H.-J. Lüdecke, A. Hempelmann, and C.O. Weiss: Multi-periodic climate dynamics: spectral analysis of long-term instrumental and proxy temperature records, Climate of the Past (European Geosciences Union), 9, 447-452 (2013)

H.-J. Lüdecke, A. Hempelmann, and C.O. Weiss: Paleoclimate forcing by the solar de Vries / Suess cycle, Climate of the Past Discussion (European Geosciences Union), 11, 279-305 (2015)

H.-J. Lüdecke, C.-O. Weiss, X. Zhao, and X. Feng: Centennial cycles observed in temperature data from Antarctica to central Europe, Polarforschung (Alfred Wegener Institut Bremerhafen), 85 (2), 179-181 (2016)

H.-J. Lüdecke and C. O. Weiss: Simple model for the antropogenically forced CO2 cycle, tested on measured quantities, Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 8(4), 1-12 (2016)

H.-J. Lüdecke and C. O. Weiss: Harmonic analysis of worldwide temperature proxies for 2000 years, The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 11, p. 44-53 (2017)

W. Weber, H.-J. Lüdecke and C.O. Weiss: A simple model of the anthropogenically forced CO2 cycle, Earth System Dynamics Discussion (European Geosciences Union), 6, 1-20 (2015)

H.-J. Lüdecke and C.O. Weiss, PPTX-Poster-Template-A0-1 auf der Konferenz der Europäischen Geophysikalischen Union in Wien (2018) in der Session CL0.00 „Past Climate“, von 9:00h bis 20:30 h am 9. 5.2018 unter Anwesenheit einer der beiden Autoren (Prof. Weiss) gezeigt und erläutert.

L. Laurenz, H.-J. Lüdecke, S. Lüning: Influence of solar activity changes on European rainfall, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 185 (2019= 29-42 sowie Supplement.

Die EIKE-Autoren sind: F.-K. Ewert, A. Glatzle, R. Link, M. Limburg, H.-J. Lüdecke und C.O. Weiss. Alle weiteren Autoren sind extern.
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