1. Geoethik Konferenz über Klimawandel – Wissenschaft und Geoethik am 8 & 9.9.16 in London



Anyone wanting to participate is very welcome – there is plenty of space.

Register by informing: Nils-Axel Mörner – morner@pog.nu

No registration fee – but voluntary donations are appreciated.


At your own organization or via advice from our event-co-ordinator:

Ross March – R.marsh_al_sabti@hotmail.co.uk

Extended Abstracts & Commentary Notes

This Conference Volume will be posted on ResearchGate well in time before the event.


(may be somewhat adjusted) Thursday 8 September: Natural drivers of climate changes

08.30     Registration (uploading of ppt-files)

08.50     Welcome

Session 1: Planet Earth in the cosmos

09.00     Athem Alsabti: Effects of Nearby Supernovae on Atmosphere and Climate

09.20     Oliver Manuel: Neutron Repulsion *

09.30     Discussion

09.40     Tea and coffee

Session 2: Influence of the Sun and the major planets on the Earth’s climate

10.00     Nils-Axel Mörner: An introduction to planetary-solar-terrestrial interaction

10.10     Roger Tattersall & Richard Salvador: Does solar system orbital motion and resonance synchronize solar variation, LOD and ENSO?

10.20     Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller: A new planetary temperature model and its implication for the Greenhouse theory

10.40     Nicola Scafetta: Multi-frequency spectral coherence between planetary and global surface temperature oscillations

11.00     Jan-Erik Solheim: Ice margins, the Sun and the planets

11.20     Per Strandberg: Drivers of ENSO variability

11.40     Discussion

12:0013.00: Lunch (at your own)

Session 3: Ocean variability

13.00     Fred Goldberg: Are the ocean currents affecting our climate?

13.10     Martin Hovland: Documented pH and temperature anomalies in the deep ocean *

13.30     Wyss Yim: Sub-aerial and submarine volcanic eruptions and climatic variability

13.50     Discussion

Session 4: Natural influences on climate

15.00     Peter Ward: Ozone depletion, not greenhouse warming, caused recent warming *

15.20     Hans Jelbring: The dominant physical processes that cause climate change

15.40     Alex Pope: Ice on land

16.00     Tea and coffee

16.20     Fabio Pistella and Leonello Serva: The CHIC project of ICG

16.50     Discussion

17.00     Close

* Keynote presentations

Friday 9 September: The temperature plot and its consequences

08.30     mingle and uploading of ppt-files

08.50     Welcome

Session 5: The greenhouse effect and anthropogenic global warming

09.00     Jan-Erik Solheim: Result of a greenhouse experiment

09.20     Francois Gervais: Tiny CO2 warming challenged by Earth greening

09.40     Fred Goldberg: Does human CO2 emission change the climate? Faith vs. facts

10.00     Tea and coffee

10.20     Albrecht Glatzle: Reconsidering livestock’s role in climate change *

10.40     Pamela Klein: Is climate science serious?

11.00     Benoît Rittaud: Epistemology of Climate Change

11.20     Piers Corbyn: The total failure of the ManMade Climate Change story

11.40     Discussion

12:00–13.00    Lunch (at your own)

13.00     Thomas Wysmuller: Sea-level rise and CO2

13.20     Maria Araujo: Sea level data in the Iberian Peninsula

13.40     Nils-Axel Mörner: Modelled vs observed sea-level changes

14.00     Discussion

Session 6: Implications of the catastrophist anthropogenic global warming hypothesis

14.10     Madhav Khandekar: Climate change and extreme weather: projection, perception and reality *

14.30     Philip Foster: Climate policy, geoethics and the developing nations

14.50     Christopher Monckton of Brenchley: Genocidal climate science *

15.10     Discussion

15.30     Tea and coffee

15.50     Discussion, conclusions and communiqué

17:00     Close

           * Keynote presentations


We have no founding or extra support. Still, we need support for room-rental, coffee/tea breaks twice a day and other running expenses.

We therefore call for voluntary donations.

The Secretary General (morner@pog.nu] has an account prepared for this. PayPal to his e-mail works well. Directly at the conference is another easy option (but, please, tell me of your intentions so that I know how to manage our budget).

Alle Informationen auch hier  https://geoethic.com/london-conference-2016/